
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yoga Hangover

Fitness Freaks,
I never have better jogs than on days after yoga. I somehow bypassed all nutrition considerations and ran 2x ~3 milers yesterday averaging under a 7 minute pace. A Big Mac and medium fries were jumping around my stomach like 16 year olds in a moon bounce. I can resist delicious fast food as well as the next guy but, come oooon, it's Monopoly season. It's the third best time of year behind March Madness and the Bowl Game Season. MacDo Monopoly is my gambling indulgence, my lottery tickets, my slot machines. I pretty much go into a gambling seizure like Fred Flintstone when I hear "Monopoly is back!" I don't even order food I want as long as I get to peel a couple squares off. "The large sweet tea doesn't come with Monopoly? Screw it, give me a medium."

Anywhoooo, the benefits of yoga are numerous.
-Increased flexibility: You'll be putting yourself into a bunch of weirdly named, awkward positions. If you've got a muscle that's feeling tight, it won't after yoga. Gals, flexible is sexible. Guys, it'll prep your muscles for your next workout. Like a massage, it gets the knots out, lengthens and untangles muscle-fibers. More on this
-Strengthened core: If you eat right and yoga enough (that's right, I verbed a noun, get used to it), you'll end up with Bruce Lee-like17-pack abs, and great, balanced posture that will enhance everyday tasks and all athletic endeavors. More on this later...
-Increased balance: It strengthens the core, upper and lower leg and foot muslces, decreases likelihood of injury during running/lifting, ie twisted ankle, knee. More on this later...
-Yoga pants: wawaWeewa! Actually, I've spent significantly less time checking out bottoms in yoga class than expected. I get way too focused on not falling over to let my inner savage run free. Our instructor turns the lights off anyway, it's for the best.

The first time I yoga'ed, it was via youtube (there are tons of videos out there) to get a feel for what a class would be like and see if it was worth pursuing further.
 I started going to yoga once a week for 75 minutes and never looked back. Give a class a shot once, do your usual workout routine the next day and see how it goes. You'll dominate. Back me up WebMD!

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