
Friday, October 28, 2011

Gym Fashion Faux Pas

I just got a second pair of Reebok Zig Dynamics this week to supplement the white pair so I've got something broken in but barely used for the marathon. 2 weeks and counting. They are gaudy but I love the neon green and black. Neon green and I go way back. I'm talking about walking the halls in a neon green Nautica shirt in 8th grade. I'm talking neon green sweatsuit from a Korean owned urban-wear store in high school. I'm talking neon parties in college. I'm EVEN talking about my neon green Carthage, New York tee from a gas station in the gem of the North Country. In a way, neon green has always been with me and shall remain an obnoxious part of my wardrobe for years to come.

However, I DID NOT foresee the faux pas that would be black shoes next to white socks next to white skin. I was so self-conscious about the gym fashion faux pas I called an old college professor to ask what word to use to describe it. He said to use, "faux pas."

Tip du jour: Keep light on light and dark on dark below the knees.

PS And get some long sox on those calves for chrissake!! I dunno who that is but he needs to hit the calf raise machine and he needs to hit it months ago!

Keep training,

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